Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Peace Of God During COVID-19

These are crazy times. It is hard as our lives and relationships are spread over the world and know that we are all being challenged at this time. For our family, we have moved to Bismark/Mandan, ND a little over 4 months ago. Just Dave, Timothy, and I moved here. Now Ruth’s University has closed but her life and jobs are in the Chicagoland area so she has moved in with Caleb and Sarah in Carol Stream, IL. It is scary how hard the Coronavirus (COVID-19) has hit the Chicagoland area. It is hard being far from my adult kids this season. My son Ethan is in SouthBend, IN working on his Ph.D. in economics at Notre Dame but they have also closed their campus. He is now working from home in his house there. He has 2 roommates but only one is there. I really feel for all the singles who are stranded at home alone. Our oldest daughter Sophia and her husband Matt and our granddaughter are living in New Jersey now. We miss being close to them at this time. It is hard being away from family and friends.

Most of our family together except for Matt in January 2019 We are really missing all being together in this season!
 Our ministry with East African Diaspora Community (EADC) just moving to our new location here in ND was just starting to really take off with new relationships being built here but now as you, all have been experiencing events have been canceled and postponed. This has been a disappointment and frustration. Thankfully a lot of our ministry can still happen as we are able to continue doing FB lives and other social network mediums. We can also reach out over the phone and text to connect with others. 

We have really hit the ground running since moving to ND so as things are slowing down we are using this opportunity to get more organized in our home and home office. We are also hoping to have the opportunity to do more writing. 
Dave with our dog Bayley out on a prayer walk in the beautiful outdoors of North Dakota 
We like for you to join us in praying for several matters during this season:
  1. Pray for God’s peace to reign in all of our lives
  2. Pray for those on the frontlines all over the world fighting and treating those suffering from COVID-19
  3. Pray for all the loss, disappointments, and grief that we are all experiencing at this time. ( Dave did a great FB live discussion yesterday on this topic-- check it out on our FB page @EADCommunity) 
  4. Pray for our Diaspora friends that are on the other side of the world from many of their family and friends at this vulnerable time.
  5. Pray for the financial hardships that many are already facing.
Thank you so much for all your prayers and support at this time. We could not do what we do without you! If you would like to give online go GIVE TODAY
You can also mail a check to East Africa Diaspora Community, P.O. Box 480 Wheaton, IL 60187
“Don’t be anxious about things; instead, pray. Pray about everything. He longs to hear your requests, so talk to God about your needs and be thankful for what has come. And know that the peace of God (a peace that is beyond any and all of our human understanding) will stand watch over your hearts and minds in Jesus, the Anointed One.” Philippians 4:6-7 Voice